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Course 1: The Choosing of God's People
Course 2: The Kings and Prophets
Course 3: The New Covenant
Upcoming Seminar Topics


or many people the Bible is a closed book that is perceived to be too challenging to understand completely. Instead it is often left to Jewish Rabbis or leaders of the Christian Church to learn. Consequently, this - along with other reasons - contributes to a high degree of ignorance on what is written in the Bible. This is unfortunate, because the Bible holds so much information about: the past, the future, who we are, what we are, God, and the Divine purpose with Creation. It is not only about stories, but about important lessons and messages that we need learn and hear for our own benefit. The Bible is a spiritual guidebook that gives us hope, encouragement, and strength to endure life’s hardships. It can change us and our lives. It has answers to all of life’s questions, and it gives purpose to life! It is God’s gift to us.

The Bible is a must read! In the Bible we are told that the “Word of God is a light unto our path”. This contrasts with darkness (i.e. spiritual ignorance), which brings confusion, fear, and hidden dangers. The Bible dispels the darkness, which is why reading and understanding God’s Word is essential. Sadly, religious institutions do not promote reading God’s Word as much as they should. These seminars are designed for those who are not familiar with the Bible and yet meaty enough for those that have a general knowledge. Attendees with religious and non-religious background are welcomed, especially those who are searching for truth. The seminars will introduce you to the Bible by showing you how to navigate around it, and they will take you from the beginning all the way through to the end of the Bible. Exposing the contents of the Bible will be the focus, but along the way themes and principles will be brought out and prophecies highlighted.

Location and Time
925 Conception Bay Highway (across from Piper's).
2:00PM - 4:00PM on Sundays from January 21st, through to March 4th

Course Outline

    • Week 1 - Jan 21
    • Session 1: Introduction to the Bible

      Session 2: Finding Your Way around the Bible

      2:00 – 4:00 PM
    • Week 2 - Jan 28
    • Session 3: The Creation

      Session 4: Adam and Eve

      2:00 – 4:00 PM
    • Week 3 - Feb 4
    • Session 5: Cain and the Generations of Adam

      Session 6: The Development of the Kingdom of Men

      2:00 – 4:00 PM
    • Week 4 - Feb 11
    • Session 7: Abraham and the Promises

      Session 8: Abraham's Children

      2:00 – 4:00 PM
    • Week 5 - Feb 18
    • Session 9: Joseph

      Session 10: Israel in Egypt and the Rise of Moses

      2:00 – 4:00 PM
    • Week 6 - Feb 25
    • Session 11: Development of the Kingdom of Israel

      Session 12: The Law of Moses Part 1

      2:00 – 4:00 PM
    • Week 7 - Mar 4
    • Session 13: The Law of Moses Part 2

      Session 14: Conclusion and introduction to next course

      2:00 – 4:00 PM

Event Details

Reasons to Attend

  • Become “in-the-know”: Increase your contextual knowledge of the Bible when discussing or debating spiritual topics
  • Get hands-on: you’ll be encouraged to open the Bible, and examine it for yourself
  • See the full picture: you’ll be introduced to the whole Bible by the end of this 3-part series
  • Receive help: this course endeavours to explain the Bible in simple terms, and tutors will be present to help you follow along during the class.

  • Learn from a knowledgeable community: from the start, Christadelphian community has always put emphasis on Biblical knowledge for all its member. As such, this course draws from this extensive knowledge-base
  • You can be comfortable: we’ve booked a neutral and friendly setting for our studies to appeal to everyone.
  • No obligation: you can quit at any time
  • Bottom line: It’s FREE, so there’s everything to gain and nothing to lose by attending


  • Do I need to buy a Bible before I attend?

    No. To maintain a level of consistency throughout the Seminars, we will be giving out free New King James Version Bibles to all registered attendees. However, if you already have your own Bible, you are welcome to bring it as well.

  • Why are you doing this?

    Fewer people are reading the Bible than in the past. Our faith in God makes us want to help people read the Bible for themselves. We believe the Bible message is right and good in directing our lives and families. In Christ's day, the Apostles spread the Gospel message and the commandments of God. We feel compelled to tell all who will listen about the wonderful plan God has revealed in His Word.

  • What if everyone knows more than I do?

    As this is an introductory course, the material is designed for people who know little to nothing about the Bible. We really do want you to get the most out of your Bible reading experience, and we will try to cater to everyone's level of understanding. We will not put you on the spot and force you to answer questions you are not comfortable with.

  • Will I be asked to be “saved” or “join” the Christadelphians at the end of the seminars?

    You will not be pressured by us to do anything except it comes from your own understanding of God’s Word and conviction of its calling. Our fellowship is based upon a shared faith and walk in Christ.

  • Who is paying for the seminars?

    All expenses are being absorbed by the Christadelphians in this area. You will not be asked to pay anything, either now or in the future.